Susan has shown consistent dedication to rethinking our local criminal legal system while keeping residents safe. During her first term, Susan led three professionally facilitated community conversations that engaged more than 500 county residents around the question of "what makes you feel more or less safe in your community?" She conducted 18 meetings with justice advocacy groups, community based organizations and the Association of Chiefs of Police to gather their input on what greater public safety would look like here in Santa Clara County. Through her role as Chair of the County's Public Safety and Justice Committee, Susan gathered input from the Sheriff, Superior Court Presiding Judge, Public Defender, Chief Probation Officer, Office of Reentry Services, Office of Pretrial Services, District Attorney and Alternate Public Defender and others on the subject.
The culmination of that work resulted in a report that produced 22 discrete recommendations for meaningful justice reform and increased public safety. Those 22 recommendations have been presented to the newly formed Committee on Corrections & Law Enforcement Management (CCLEM). That committee is charged with reviewing the recommendations for purview, feasibility, financial implications and returning to the BOS with a suggested implementation plan. You can review the report here.
Susan has also worked to rethink Santa Clara County’s system of incarceration. In her first term, she created a program to facilitate contact visitation in jails for families, eliminated inmate calling fees within jails and fought for investment in parenting programs within the jail and reentry systems.
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