Early in the pandemic, Susan championed the Isolation Supports Program to ensure that people who tested positive for the virus had the ability to safely isolate. She advocated relentlessly for greater transparency through the use of public facing dashboards to track a broad variety of metrics from location of disease outbreak to how FEMA, CARES and other emergency aid dollars were being allocated. 

Susan co-created a community task force that looks at existing County healthcare systems to identify specific solutions to lead to more equitable approaches and outcomes of County healthcare. The task force includes people that work in our healthcare system, community members and patients that have participated in the system. 

Susan championed an increase of nearly a million dollars ongoing to the County’s Black Infant Health Program & Perinatal Equity Initiative in order to improve outcomes for black moms and infants and has facilitated a partnership with hospitals across the County to engage in deeper education for health care providers, stronger connections to services, and better tracking of outcomes to measure impact of the expanded awareness efforts.